Join us each SUNDAY at 3PM for worship through singing, prayer, communion, and the Word preached. We share space with Warrendale Community Church:
19700 Ford Rd
Dearborn, MI 48128

Children are welcome to stay with their parents throughout the service, or to join our nursery (ages 0-4) or our children’s Sunday School class (ages 5-10) during the sermon.

What to Expect…

Christ-Centered Preaching

Our pastor and elders feed the flock through expository preaching as the primary means of teaching doctrine in the church for life transformation. We see the glory of Christ in all of Scripture.

Sincere Worship

Worship in song is the sincere response of the redeemed from Exodus to Revelation. We include instruments and voices from the congregation to glorify our good God.

Restorative Community

To be a disciple of Christ means to be restored to the image of God which was marred by sin. This restoration happens in community as we walk with each other in Christ and in grace.

Joyful Mission

The mission of Christ is the overflow of worship onto a hurting world. As Christ was sent by the Father so He sends his church into the city and world on the same mission.