Shepherds and Servants

CCC is pastored by a team of elders whose main role is to shepherd for spiritual health through preaching and discipleship, to equip believers for service, and to organize for mission.

Aaron Bashore

Pastor and Elder

Hey! I’m Aaron and I’ve been married to my best friend Jillian for 20 years. We have three cool teenagers and a Yorkshire Terrier.

Joe Franklin


Howdy! My name is Joe. My wife, son, and I love hanging & serving with our church, the great outdoors, and eating good food.

Isaac Freel


Hello! I'm Isaac. My wife Hannah and I have 3 wonderful kids, Jacob, Ryan, and Katie.


Deacons and Team Leaders serve the church and our city through their God-given gifts and skills.

David Michael Smeenge

Head Deacon

Greetings - I am David Michael Smeenge, and I am grateful for my wife, son, and coffee.

Alex Helton

Deacon of Finance

Hello! My name is Alex and I am married to my lovely wife Hannah. We are passionate about serving the Lord for His Glory.

Haley Novotny

Children’s Ministries Director
Hello, I am Haley! I am super thankful to get to serve the church through leading our CCC Kidz Ministry and KidsLIFE.  I enjoy being with people (of all ages!), anything outdoors and active, and good coffee."

Kent Lindbergh

Men’s Ministry

My name is Kent and I’m passionate for God’s word to be taught clearly and work through people’s lives.

Aubrey Lindbergh

Nursery and Preschool Ministry

Hi, I’m Aubrey. I’m married to Kent and we have three kids. I love creating spaces where young kids can experience God’s love.