Click Here to see Our 2025 Reading Plan
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly… -Colossians 3:14
I would like to recommend to you 5 reasons that you should read the whole Bible, that is every word of Scripture, in one year…2025.
First, I have spoken with Christian after Christian who have been church members for years, who have grown up in Christian homes, yet have not read every word of the Bible. There are still books and letters and writings and histories that are a complete dark page for them. But God has told us that every word of “Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for” us (1 Tim 3:16). No Christian should be ignorant or unaware of all that God has said.
Second, we so quickly forget what we have read. Who can remember upon questioning just what the message of the prophet Joel or Nahum was all about? And we need them and their messages! We need to read the whole of Scripture regularly because we so quickly forget. Being reminded of God’s words and God’s truths is instrumental to establish us in our faith (2 Peter 1:12).
Third, reading the whole Bible in one calendar year is a challenging but do-able way to make sure that we are both aware of and reminded of every Word of God. Sure, going deeper into each word or passage of Scripture can be extremely rewarding and helpful but why should anyone learn to do a Greek grammatical word study who has not first read all the Bible says?
Fourth, reading Scripture inside of one calendar year is a do-able way to get a large-picture view of the whole of Scripture. Sure, we could go extreme with this idea and read the whole Bible in one sitting (70 hours for the average reader). This could be accomplished in less than two work weeks. I am sure there would be great usefulness in that. However, for the average person’s attention span and retention abilities, reading the Word in 10-15 minute increments will give the best results. Imagine trying to remember what you read for 5 minutes two years ago! I think one year is the sweet spot to be able to confidently understand the whole arch and meta-narrative of Scripture.
Finally, reading Scripture has been commanded to us: Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. (1 Tim 4:13) I take great comfort when I am reading God’s Word just to know that I am obeying the Lord and I am listening to Him. And if He has graciously spoken to me, I surely want to listen often and regularly to all He has said because I desperately need his grace.
Join more than 20 people in our church family who are committing to this challenge together in 2025!